Affinity Sales And Services Pune, Maharashtra, India

Submersible Turbine Pumps in India

Submersible Turbine Pumps (STP Pump) Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters in India/Pune.

We are Submersible Turbine Pump (STP Pump) Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters in India from Pune. We Submersible Turbine Pump exporters in India, are known as one of the leading companies in this field.

We STP Pumps manufacturers, suppliers, dealers & exporters of Submersible Turbine Pump in India, have been providing quality products and services for over more than 10 years and have a reputation for innovation and quality. We Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) suppliers in India, Maharashtra have earned recognition as a brand that not only provides high-quality products but also inspires positive customer experiences.

All of our products are carefully designed to fit each client’s unique needs and preferences so that they can enjoy their favourite products for years to come. Our Submersible Turbine Pump dealers or STP pump dealers in India, show a commitment to achieving international high standards and satisfying the requirements of their customers.

Submersible Turbine Pump ?

Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) is a pump that can be submerged in water and which produces high pressure and temperature. It is used in many industries and has been used to produce various products such as nuclear reactors, oil wells, ships, etc.A submersible turbine pump is a type of pump in which the turbine and compressor are located in the same unit. The turbine is powered by an electric motor and is driven by water flowing through the impeller.

The turbine is displaced by the water flow, pushing the centrifugal impeller at high speed. This type of pump is used in submersible pumps to provide power in a very compact form. The blue and red lights show that the pump is running (green light means it's on) and your milk will make its way out of the pump into an insulated container.


The Submersible Turbine Pump is a very specific type of pump that has been used in marine applications for decades.In the past, it was used to pump water from deep ocean wells and other locations. It is now also used in many areas that require pumping fluids such as blood and oil

Features of Submersible Turbine Pumps

The Submersible Turbine Pump is one of the most used pumps in the oil and gas industry. The pump has a high power output and is capable of pumping more than 100 m³/sec.

It is designed to pump water from one location to another. It can be used for pumping water from a well to a reservoir or vice versa.

The pump has a large volume and generates large amounts of pressure when it is working.

The STP can also be used as an alternative energy source by using solar panels on its body for generating electricity at night when no power source is available.