Centrifugal Pumps Manufacturers in Nepal | Suppliers & Exporters of Centrifugal Pumps in Nepal

We are the Centrifugal Pumps Manufacturers in Nepal | Suppliers & Exporters of Centrifugal Pumps in NepalAs a leading centrifugal pump manufacturer, we offer a wide range of high-quality pumps to meet the needs of our customers in a variety of industries. Our pumps are known for their reliability, efficiency, and performance.

Benefits of Our Centrifugal Pumps

  • High quality: Our pumps are made with high-quality materials and components to ensure durability and reliability.
  • Efficiency: Our pumps are designed to be efficient, meaning that they can pump a large volume of liquid with a relatively small amount of energy.
  • Performance: Our pumps are designed to perform at a high level in a variety of applications.

What is a Centrifugal Pump?

A centrifugal pump is a type of pump that uses a rotating impeller to move liquid. The impeller creates a centrifugal force that pulls the liquid into the pump and then discharges it at a higher pressure.

The Features of Centrifugal Pumps

  • Centrifugal pump is a positive displacement pump that uses a rotating impeller to create a vacuum on one side of the impeller and then use the energy from this vacuum to drive fluid through a discharge pipe.
  • The rotation of impeller causes fluid to enter into the central cavity where it gets accelerated and forced out through the discharge pipe.
  • Pump speed is proportional to the square of the impeller speed.
  • The impeller and bearings are enclosed in a protective housing (the pump casing).
  • Pump efficiency is lower as compared to axial flow pumps.

Advantages of using Centrifugal Pumps

Centrifugal pumps are an efficient way of moving large volumes of liquid with minimal energy input. They can be used for many different purposes including pumping out sewage, cooling condensate, or transporting water for irrigation purposes.

It is used in many different industries for both industrial and residential use. The advantages of using them include the fact that they are energy efficient, easy to install, and can be used with a variety of fluids.The main benefit of using centrifugal pumps is that they do not require any electricity or fuel to run. They can also be used in low-pressure environments like swimming pools and spas.


Centrifugal pumps are used in a wide range of applications, such as sewage treatment plants, irrigation systems, water transportation, chemical processing, factories and power stations. It is typically used for liquid chemicals and slurries where the pump must be able to handle high accelerations and centrifugal forces.

They can be used to transport liquids in many industries such as oil and gas drilling, mining, petroleum refining, chemical processing plants, pharmaceuticals manufacturing plants, as well as municipal wastewater treatment plants


1. What are Centrifugal Pumps?

Centrifugal pumps are a type of pumps that use centrifugal force to move liquids or gases. They work by rotating the pump in a direction opposite to that of the liquid's flow. These pumps are classified into two types: axial-flow and mixed-flow pumps.

2. What are the properties of Centrifugal Pumps?

Centrifugal pumps operate at high speeds and can be used to transfer high volumes of fluid, providing reliable and efficient operation. These pumps are widely used in many industrial applications, such as pumping water, oil, wastewater and other liquids.

3. What are the benefits of using Centrifugal Pump?

The benefits of using Centrifugal Pumps include:

  • Reduce operating costs
  • Increase efficiency
  • Improve product quality
  • Less maintenance and energy usage