Affinity Sales And Services in Nepal

Coupling for Johnson Pump Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters in Nepal.

We Affinity Sales & Services are Coupling for Johnson Pumps manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in Nepal, was founded in the year 2018 Coupling for Johnson Pump manufacturers create a wide range of couplings for pumps in from domestic to industrial types from pumps to compressors and other related products. We Coupling for Johnson Pump suppliers & dealers in Nepal, sell couplings for these Johnson pumps in different sizes, model numbers, etc.

We have a vast range of pumps and accessories to meet customers needs. Our products are reliable and durable. Our products are also innovative in their designs to meet the needs of customers.

Johnson Pumps are used in a variety of industries, including water treatment, food processing, and industrial manufacturing. To ensure the smooth and reliable operation of these pumps, it is important to use the correct coupling.

What is Coupling?

There are a number of different couplings that can be used with Johnson Pumps. The most common type of coupling is a flexible disc coupling. Flexible disc couplings are designed to absorb shock and vibration, which can help to protect the pump from damage. They are also relatively easy to install and maintain. Another type of coupling that can be used with Johnson Pumps is a rigid coupling. Rigid couplings are not as flexible as flexible disc couplings, but they are more durable. They are often used in applications where the pump is subjected to high torque or vibration..

The type of coupling that is best for a Johnson Pump will depend on the specific application. In general, flexible disc couplings are a good choice for most applications. However, rigid couplings may be necessary in applications where the pump is subjected to high torque or vibration.


  • Industrial coupling is a system of mechanical, electrical, and chemical systems and devices that are used in the production of products.
  • Industrial coupling is an important part of industrial automation systems.
  • Coupling can be divided into two categories, namely:
  • Mechanical couplings (which connect all parts mechanically), and
  • Electrical couplings (which connect all parts electronically)
  • Coupling allows systems to work together as a single unit and increases efficiency, productivity, and quality.


The Coupling for Johnson Pump is a simple yet effective method to increase the efficiency of pumping. Its simplicity makes it a great choice for many industries that are looking to increase their productivity.

It has been used for more than a hundred years as it provides the most efficient and cost-efficient way to connect parts of different sizes and shapes. With Coupling, the parts can be connected in different ways, and thus modify their functions.