Affinity Sales And Services Pune, Maharashtra, India

Multistage Centrifugal Pump Manufacturers, Suppliers, Dealers & Exporters from Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Affinity Sales & Services is one of the leading Multistage Centrifugal Pump manufacturers, suppliers, dealers & exporters from India, Pune, Mumbai, Nashik, Goa, Aurangabad, Kolhapur Maharashtra.also manufacturers of Multistage Centrifugal Pump in countries like Dubai, Philippines, Nigeria, Nepal. We have been in the industry since the year 2012 providing multistage centrifugal pumps.Multistage Centrifugal Pumps manufacturers in Dubai, Philippines, Nigeria, Nepal

A multistage centrifugal pump is a type of pump that can be used in various industries to transport fluids. Our pumps are mainly used for high-pressure applications and can be found in many industries including

  • Manufacturing
  • Chemical
  • Construction
  • Food
  • Automotive
  • Pharmaceutical, and
  • Power generation, etc.

Multistage Centrifugal Pumps in Pune

We Multistage Centrifugal Pumps dealers have been working in the field for over 10 years and have accumulated a lot of knowledge about the industry and its requirements. Our team of experts ensures that we make use of the best practices and technologies to produce quality products at competitive prices. We also make sure to provide our customers with excellent customer service.

We offer customized solutions to all our clients, no matter what their requirements might be. This ensures that we meet their needs and cater to all their demands. Our consultants are highly qualified to help our clients with their queries. The Multistage Centrifugal Pumps suppliers will also be able to provide assistance on how to use our products for maximum efficiency.

Features of using our Multistage Centrifugal Pumps

Multistage centrifugal pumps have four main features that make them stand out from other types of pumps:

  • The impeller has multiple stages which help to increase the pressure and volumetric flow capability.
  • The impeller rotates in an outward direction which gives it a higher discharge rate than other types of pumps.
  • Multistage Centrifugal Pumps use a suction eye or suction nozzle to create an air-tight seal with the liquid being pumped, and
  • These have a high amount of energy efficiency which means it can offer more energy savings over their lifetime than other types of pumps.

Multistage Centrifugal Pumps Applications:

  • Steamer Feed
  • Shower
  • Spray
  • Cogeneration
  • Pressure Boosting
  • High Pressure Cleaning
  • Dewatering mines


Product name Multistage Centrifugal Pump
Power Source Electric
Body Material Type Cast Iron, Steel, Bronze
Temperature (in `C) 120 `C (maximum)
Usage Industrial

Our Products Range